The Technopreneurship Development Centre (TDC) is central to the realisation of the mandate of Harare Institute of Technology (HIT), Zimbabwe's growing Innovation and Technopreneurial University. The TDC was established as a centre of excellence to inculcate a culture of innovation and wealth creation through technopreneurship education, an emerging trend that is critical for the development of African economies.
In a rapidly changing world, both economic growth and social development hinge on a country's capacity to address complex challenges with creative solutions, making 'innovation' a key differentiating factor in an increasingly competitive environment. Technopreneurship education seeks to empower students and technology organisations to enhance their innovation and design thinking capabilities so that these organisations can deliver innovative Hi-tech products and services to consumers.
The TDC takes much pride in being a part of HIT, a university which among a list of achievements has won the following awards: 'International Award For Excellence in Sustainability Innovation and being voted 6th position in the 'Top 20 Most Outstanding Organisations in Zimbabwe in 2015.' The university continues to be a partner of choice to many local and international organisations of repute in its pursuit of commercialising research as a spring board of economic development.
Through a dedicated team of human talent, the TDC instils the values of responsibility, empathy, ethics and human -centred development among technopreneurs. Innovation and creativity become less effective if these important values of human-centred problem solving are removed. We are grateful that TDC continues to instil these values to the many technopreneurs who pass through its doors.
In the pursuit of its goals, the TDC is aided by the university's Vision 2020: Designing the Future, strategic plan document which is consistent with Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZIMASSET) complaint strategic plan, which spells out the key pillars of excellence. In addition the programmes on offer suit expectations of industry and are relevant to national economic needs.
We welcome you to be part of the exciting journey that TDC is making so that you can contribute and make a positive difference to the community you live in and become an HIT Technopreneur.
Dr. Maxwell Chanakira - Director, Technopreneurship Development Centre.