Campus Life and Student Development

  • We assist in developing and implementing an effective Orientation Programme.
  • We offer guidance and basic counseling to Students in relation to their life activities on and off Campus; including students with special needs.
  • We carry out research on students’ welfare issues and formulate short and long term intervention strategies including part time and vacation employment.

OUR DESTINY: To be recognized as a reference point to student development.

OUR CALLING: To design and develop programmes that focus on holistic student development

We are committed the holistic development and realization of the full potential of students. To this end, we provide an environment sensitive to, and respectful of other people’s views within a diverse community evidenced by a code of conduct that rejects violence, harassment and all forms of hindrance.

In endeavoring to achieve our vision and effectively fulfill our mandate, we shall uphold the following core values:

  • Integrity: We adhere to personal and societal values which are reflected in our words and actions.
  • Respect: We have mutual respect among individuals, and freedom from intolerance. We do not tolerate acts of discrimination or harassment on the basis of ethnicity, gender, age, disability, religious beliefs, among other personal characteristics.
  • Commitment: We are committed to modeling and developing a holistic global citizen. We are committed to help students to make informed decisions/choices that contribute to their own growth and wellbeing.
  • Professionalism: We work efficiently, consistently and with respect.

Our Programmes

Key result area:

Provision of high quality empowerment and development education. We are committed to ensuring that all students are aware of their responsibilities, rights, freedoms in the local and global community.

Learning at HIT does not reside solely in the classroom. The development of the whole student takes place in every aspect of life on campus. The social events, sports competitions   participation in clubs and societies are fields for debate, laughter, and friendship.

The Campus Life Office is dedicated   to the enhancement of holistic student development, especially in soft skills. We empower students to effectively operate in society through the development of soft skills during operations and negotiations.

The Office is responsible for student development through training in leadership, counselling and other developmental strategies. Mentoring and implementation of skills is conducted through SRC Governance and opportunities in clubs and societies. Campus Life Office seeks to provide an environment, in which students not only learn, but seek to offer solutions.

Student Development and Campus Life Activities

Beyond mere recreation; clubs and societies offer opportunities for making new friends and developing peer leadership skills. Student government offer opportunities for students to serve their fellow students, their local community, and the world, at large. We engage in the following activities:

  • Introduce students to the culture, traditions and community of HIT.
  • Empower students through various vehicles in sectorial meetings, discussions or outreach programmes.
  • Having available a clear referral system that is accessible to all students who may wish to make contact themselves or who may be referred by others.
  • Offer basic training in gender issues.
  • Reinforcing student’s self-direction and self- sufficiency through clubs and societies.
  • Assist in demystifying the chosen career path/profession through the professional orientation programme.
  • We promote the advancement of knowledge through discipline oriented clubs.
  • Inspire students to embrace life- long commitment to intellectual development through discipline-oriented clubs.
  • We provide leadership workshops and development training for students.
  • We challenge students to become active and effective members of the HIT community by belonging to clubs and societies.
  • Designing service-learning opportunities to match academic programmes through cooperative efforts with the school.

Guidance and Counselling 

  • Provide counseling and consultation to students who are experiencing emotional and psychological problems that might be interfering with studies or individual personal development.
  • Provide psycho-social support to students who are emotionally, spiritually, physically, socially or verbally traumatized.
  • Provide crisis management for medical and psychological problems in collaboration with the Health Centre and relevant stakeholders.
  • Serve as resource brokers.
  • Academic advisors who have regular contact with students serve as mentors and professional role models as they learn to be successful effective leaders in the emerging global community.
  • Encouraging involvement in community service/volunteer activities.
  • Training volunteers on how to move into a service project focusing on attitude, work ethic, cross-cultural sensitivity, follow through, liabilities and risks, etc.
  • Marketing opportunities for students to get involved with community service and volunteer activities
  • Offering advocacy on behalf of students who receive counselling when extenuating circumstances may have an adverse effect on study and assessment/exam results.