Message from Dean
As Dean of the School of Engineering and Technology at Harare Institute of Technology, I am extremely proud of the rich tradition of providing practical, competence based education that our school has upheld since its founding. Our graduate and post graduate programs are developing the next generation of innovators and captains of industry who have the moral depth and intellectual intensity necessary to meet the challenges of a fast paced world while responding to the needs of the industry, society and government.
The learning environments we offer are exciting, close-knit, and leverage productive partnerships with industry and commerce through internships and practical research project courses. In addition to offering cutting-edge academics, our school is also a research catalyst, enabling collaborative inter-disciplinary research teams who drive innovation and technology realization.
Our programs are intentionally structured to develop and nurture competences and traits of a cutting edge engineer and innovator. Our undergraduate projects HIT200, HIT300, HIT400 and postgraduate project courses HIT900 embed the core of our existence which is to, “Commercialise technology through professionalism rooted in integrity”.
To all our partners and students, I wish you the very best and hope to see you on campus!!
“If it is to be, then it’s up to us”