Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering - Partnerships
Planetary Scientific Research Centre (PSRC) is the organization that promotes the Scientific, Engineering, Social Sciences, Management, Environmental, and Health Sciences related latest developments and issues to be discussed and experimented through interactions amongst the researchers and academics across the globe at a common platform. PSRC and Harare Institute of Technology (Department of Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering) jointly organized three Major Conferences in July 2015, namely:
- International Conference on Engineering and Technology (ICET’15) April 14 -15, 2015Harare (Zimbabwe)
- International Conference on Industrial Sciences and Technology (ICIST’15) April 14-15, 2015 Harare (Zimbabwe)
- International Conference on Technopreneurship and Socio-Economic Development (ICTSED’15) April 14 -15, 2015 Harare (Zimbabwe)