End of Semester Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service
The HIT Christian Union hosted an Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on the 30th of October 2022 under the theme, “Giving Thanks in All Circumstances”. The Ecumenical Service brought together all church…
The HIT Christian Union hosted an Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on the 30th of October 2022 under the theme, “Giving Thanks in All Circumstances”. The Ecumenical Service brought together all church…
HIT Vice Chancellor Dr Eng. Q.C Kanhukamwe has challenged first year students of the 2022/2023 academic year to be the tools that drive the institutional mandate and national aspirations. In…
The President and HIT Chancellor Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa capped 538 graduates at the Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) Thirteenth (13th) Graduation Ceremony held on Friday 7th October 2022. Of…
The Harare Institute of Technology is exhibiting its innovations at the 8th Edition of Africa Public Service Day Commemorations in Victoria Falls at Elephant Hills Hotel from 21-23 June 2021.…
The Harare Institute of Technology scooped the Best Innovation in Citizen Centred Service Delivery Trophy at the 8th Africa Public Service Day Commemorations at Elephant Hills Hotel in Victoria Falls…
HIT Vice Chancellor Dr. Eng. Quinton Kanhukamwe was awarded the Distinguished Excellency in Academia Award by the Industrial and Engineering Operations Management (IEOM) Society International at the Second African International…