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HIT Vice Chancellor, Prof. Eng. Q.C. Kanhukamwe urged the Institute team at the Chancellor’s Games to represent HIT with distinction.
“Win or lose, we want you to do it with grace and dignity,” he said. “We hope that there will be no serious injuries.”
Prof. Kanhukamwe thanked LADS Africa for donating a soccer kit and its support to the Harare Institute of Technology Staff Sports Association (HITSSA).
HITSSA Chairperson, Mr Manford Mutandavari handed over a soccer team jersey to the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Eng. Q.C. Kanhukamwe before the team’s departure for the 2024 Edition of the Chancellor’s Games hosted by the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Bulawayo from 16 – 22 June 2024.
Mr Mutandavari also thanked the VC for the support HIT is giving to its workers, expressing his gratitude to LADS Africa for donating a soccer kit which he said will boost the team’s morale. “This jersey is a symbol of our commitment to excellence in sports,” he said. “We are proud to represent HIT and we will give our best.”
The Chancellor’s Games are an annual sporting event that brings together teams from various local state universities. HIT has a rich history in sports, and the team is expected to perform well at this year’s event.

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