The Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) has partnered with Saint Petersburg State University of Aеrospaсе Instrumentation (SUAI) of Russia to establish and develop academic collaborations and exchanges in the subjects that will be of mutual benefit to the two parties.
The partnership will extend to activities between the two institutions in the field of aerospace instrumentation and space technology, the exchange of staff members and students, the development of joint educational programmes, the exchange of information, documentation, and materials cooperation in research and development initiatives including other projects of mutual value.
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will remain in force for a period of five (5) years. It is renewable and it may be amended by mutual written consent of the two parties.
The HIT Vice Chancellor Dr Engr Quinton Kanhukamwe and the Rector of SUAI Dr Yulia Antokina in St Petersburg signed the MoU on the 2nd of August 2023.