The HIT Boost Enactus team was awarded second prize at the 2018 Boost Enactus Fellowship Leadership Conference held from 25-27 January at Batanai Gardens in Harare.
The team devised a new mobile application system, Infra-fix mobile that allows users to identify facilities in need of repair and maintenance. The application then classifies them into critical and non-critical infrastructure; depending on their state.
The case study focused on Sustainable Development Goal 9 which emphasises building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and fostering innovation. The students were tasked to formulate the best strategy to avoid decay of infrastructure and prove the sustainability of the strategy.
The Boost Enactus Fellowship Leadership Conference was aimed at training students to create community development projects that improve people`s livelihoods and to also develop students into becoming more effective, value-driven future business leaders. It was also meant to equip team executive committee members with the necessary skills required in executing their duties and responsibilities in the implementation of Enactus projects.
All university teams were paired to promote team spirit and were assigned case studies to research and apply what was being taught. The HIT team was paired with the Africa University team.
Invited speakers from the business world gave presentations focused on team administration and operations, project ideation and formulation, innovation and technology management, community research and development (monitoring and evaluation), United Nations Sustainable Development Goals implementation in Zimbabwe, community engagement and participatory approaches, presentation skills, financial management, business canvas model for social enterprises, team dynamics and team building.
Commenting on this achievement, the Coordinator Mr. Joshua Simuka from the Technopreneurship Development Centre (TDC) said the department is very excited about the team`s achievement, as it has demonstrated creativity, innovation and a technopreneurial culture; clear evidence of the thorough training that our students are receiving.