HIT Library

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Frequently Asked Questions



  • How do I join the library?
    Your University Student ID is also your library card. Undergraduates bring your ID to the library at the start of the academic year for reactivation after registration. Staff and researchers need to bring their IDs to the library and register in person to activate their accounts.
  • What are the open hours?
    Semester Time: Monday – Friday 0900 – 2200 hours
    Saturday 0900 – 1600 hours
    Vacation Time: Monday – Thursday 0900 – 1630 hours
    Friday 0900 – 1600 hours


    Closed on Sundays and public holidays

  • How do I borrow items?
    Once you have chosen the items you wish to borrow, you should issue them to the librarian at the circulation desk. We will also be happy to give you a demonstration if you ask at one of the enquiry desks.
  • How long can I borrow books for?

    Undergraduate students

    • Students can borrow a maximum of five books at any one time with:-
    • Long-Term loan 3 books for 2 weeks (may not be renewed)
    • Short-Term loan 1 book for 1 day (may not be renewed)
    • Reserve books 1book for 3hours (library and overnight/weekend use only)

    Teaching staff

    • Teaching staff can borrow a maximum of six books at any one time. The following are the categories of loans permissible to teaching staff:-
    • Long – Term loan 4 books for 4 weeks (may not be renewed)
    • Short-Term loan 1 book for 1 day (may not be renewed)
    • Reserve books 1book for 3hours (library and overnight/weekend use only)

    Non-Teaching staff

    • Maximum of 4 books (may not be renewed)
    • Short-Term loan 1 book for 1 day (may not be renewed)
    • Reserve books 1book for 3hours (library and overnight/weekend use only)
  • How do I access Library Catalogue?
    You can log on to Library catalogue and check the location of library stock in any campus laboratory or on your laptop if you are on wireless. You a able to see if the book is available in the library or on loan.

    If you are not sure what your username and password are you can ask at one of our enquiry desks in the Library, providing you have your student or staff card with you.
  • How do I check my loans?
    If you need to remind yourself which items you have currently out on loan, use my account option on Library Catalogue. You will need to sign in your username and password (the same one you use to access your e-mails) and choose my account.
  • What is the charge for overdue items

    Overdue charges



    Long Term Loan $1.00
    Short Term Loan $1.00
    Reserve Books $0.50 per hour or part thereof
    30 days + (considered lost) $120.00 (maximum fine) + $10.00 processing fee
    Lost Library Materials Current replacement value + $10.00 processing fee


    Mutilated and damaged materials

    • Repairable:  $20.00 binding +$10.00 processing fee

    • Irreparable: Current replacement value+$10.00 processing fee

    Other Fines

    • Cell phone ringing: $5.00

    • Late registration:   $2.00 per day delayed

    NB: All outstanding fines should be cleared before borrowing as automated system will not allow any borrowing transaction. For more information kindly visit the library.

  • What do I do if…?

    If I change my address

    You should inform the library as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to ensure that we can contact you quickly about your loans.

    If I lose my card

    You should inform the Library as soon as possible to ensure that we can block your account

    If I am taken ill, or absent on compassionate grounds

    Make sure that you have a Reserve or Short Loan book to return, a friend returns this for you as soon as possible. In case of difficulties, ask someone to telephone the Library, and arrange to return the item or later.

    If I am are away on placement

    You can still borrow from the Library, as long as you are registered with Admissions and the Library for the current year. Remember you need to respect due dates for Library items.